Football Team Fundraiser Ideas
Looking for fundraising ideas for your football team?
Have you been researching football team fundraiser ideas?
There are some great articles out there with lots of brilliant ideas, and we would like to tell you about ours.
There is an alternative way to raise fund for your football team with
1- No outlay
2-No risk
3-Very minimal effort
4-Everyone associated with your club can do this. Parents/Coaches/Sponsors.
5-Can spread quickly.
6-Can be used on your website and social media.
7- You do not even need to leave the house!
8-It can be done morning or night, and is not weather dependant, and it even works while you sleep.
What Is The Fundraising Idea?
Interested? You should be. Because all of the above IS possible and it doesn’t matter if you have 1 team or 50 teams. If you have a football team in the UK then you ARE eligible.
So what is it?
We love grassroots football and the armed forces here at Terraces and Troops and we came up with a plan to help both kinds of organisations increase their income.
We have developed a range of merchandise with our logo and we provide football teams and armed forces organisations to have a special personal link to our website, When someone makes a purchase from us using this link- the team gets a whopping 10% commission on sales.
You can view our current range by VISITING OUR SHOP
Once the 30 day mail order returns period is over and we know the referred customer is keeping the product- we allocate your commission.
What About The Funds We Raise?
You can either
Have it paid by bank transfer
Have it paid by paypal.
You can
Set an amount you want it to pay out on- eg- every time commission reaches £50 we pay out.
Save it up until you have a big expense coming up.
How Do You Generate Income From This?
The links have a 30 day cookie lifespan which means if anyone visited our site using your link if they come back to our site within the 30 days then YOU STILL GET THE COMISSION.
You can put a page on your website linking to our store. Share the links on social media and even ask all your sponsors to share it on theirs.
Everyone at your club can do this and the more you share the information the more income you are likely to make.
Why Should You Come On Board?
Our products are well made, reasonably priced and this affiliate programme is only available to football teams and armed forces organisations, so you are not competing with professional affiliate marketers who have more experience with selling in this type of way.
We do the processing, posting and deal with returns or refunds. The customer deals with us directly so you have nothing more to do.
We are offering a VERY good commission rate in comparison to other merchandisers.
Our 30 day cookie policy is amazing ( Amazon gives a ONE day cookie policy)
Football and the forces are at the heart of Terraces and Troops and at the heart of many other people and companies so you will have a large potential audience.
We would not offer this package unless we felt so strongly about the qualities grassroots football instils in young people and had the utmost belief in how impactful and life changing it can be,
Why stress all year round about raising money when you can do it from your laptop or phone. Via your website, mailing list or even your twitter account.
If you decide it is no longer for you then we can simply close your account paying all commissions due to you.
We have made it as simple and easy as we possibly can.
So…are you in?
If so- CONTACT US HERE and we will get the ball rolling. (Pun intended)