Spread the love

What can you do?

If you know of a team or group of supporters fundraising for a veterans charity- ask them to contact us.
If you know a charity wanting to publicise a campaign – pass our details on.
You can share our articles on your social media platforms, or via your works newsletter. Invite your friends to like our socials and sign up to our newsletter.

Basically, just spread the word.

You can donate where you wish directly to the charities on our website- or via the fundraising links we post. Perhaps you will sign up to one of the various veterans lotteries instead.
You can purchase goods or services from us.

You can advertise through our socials and site (if its relevant to our readership)

How can we help?

We will get behind any efforts you are making to fundraise to increase the number of people that may be able to contribute to your cause.
Write an article that you can share and add to so that you have your own ‘mini website’ while you are fundraising and also update it for you.
Connect you with relevant media sources to boost your coverage.
Give you the support and encouragement of a network with the same ideals as you.

Get in touch

Have a question or would like to enquire about our services? Use the form below or email us at together@terracesandtroops.co.uk

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