Bolton Wanderers Remembrance Group
Bolton Wanderers Remembrance Group- BWRG
BWRG is a dedicated Bolton Wanderers Remembrance Group that was created to support the families of BWFC fans no longer with us, and to honour the memories of their loved ones. Established for over 2 years now, their commitment to the local community was recognised when they had the honour of laying a wreath at the Bolton Cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday.
Part of the the original Bolton Wanderers Remembrance Group committee, James Derby is also a 35 year member of the Bolton United Veteran Association. He joined as his Father In Law was a Veteran and member.
When James’s Son’s Ashley and Sam reached 11 years old they started to march with the group with their Dad and Grandad. James feels it is of the utmost importance to educate young people about the significance of Remembrance Day and hopes his children will go on to do the same with future generations.
“They prioritise Remembrance Sunday and refuse to make any other arrangements on that day”
Amongst the many families BWRG has offered support to there have been a number of Armed Forces members and these are the losses and families that the BWRG community honoured with their wreath on Sunday.
Their memorial flag contains the names of several people that have served in the forces who were in the thoughts of BWFC fans and BWRG members.
Bolton Wanderers Remembrance Group Honours
Chris Houghton, Son of Bob would ask anyone with Naval connections in the Bolton area to visit the Bolton RNA website HERE for help and support
Allan’s ashes were spread at the stadium in 2018 and his memorial brick is under the Nat Lofthouse statue. Give him a nod when you pass and thank him for his service.
Terraces and troops contacted QRH for their input for Jacks memorial and they kindly provided the following statement.
Jack Stanley, the Queen’s Royal Hussars, known by many as Stan, died in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham on Sunday 8th April 2012 from wounds sustained in an improvised explosive device (IED) blast which occurred during a patrol in the Pupalzay Kalay area, east of Lashkar Gar city, Afghanistan on Friday 3rd February 2012. Aged 26 from Bolton, he was an avid Bolton Wanderers supporter. Jack was a much-loved son, a beloved brother, a cherished boyfriend, a trusted comrade, a loyal friend, and excellent soldier and highly respected commander. Jack made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of his country; he will never be forgotten by his family, friends, and colleagues alike.
Jim Austin- Retired Major and current Regimental Secretary- Mente et Manu
We are able to add more veterans from BWRG simply contact together@terracesandtroops
BWRG Drop In Centre
Bolton Wanderers Remembrance Group created a drop in centre recently for the local community and has been helping veterans access services for several months. We went along to The Vulcan Inn, Deane in Bolton to find out what happens and what is available for both the football community and veterans, who are often one and the same.
Whilst there we spoke to Mark from Whysup- a local organisation that enables people to break free from addiction and also supports people suffering with mental health issues. Whysup offer a support line 4 nights a week. You can book call session with them via their website WHYSUP
Meeting Veteran, Hughie from Pheniks was a real insight into how the armed forces community often needs additional support transitioning into civilian life. The free boxing lessons provided by Pheniks are available for all Veterans in the Bolton community.
You can reach Hughie via their website PHENIKS
If anyone would like to reach the Bolton Wanderers remembrance Group they can do so via their WEBSITE or their FACEBOOK PAGE
You can highlight stories that involve football and the forces by contacting us here at TERRACES AND TROOPS